— registration deadline is Wednesday, May 18th—

Want a Simple Plan to Lose Belly Fat Naturally?

(Watch the video above to learn more about the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox.)

Get a done-for-you 21-day system to clear inflammatory toxins from your body, so you can shed your excess belly fat permanently.

With the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox program, you get a done-for-you system to help your body “clean house” by removing hundreds of toxins, reducing chronic inflammation, and ridding your body of excess fat, especially around your belly.

The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox program isn’t just designed to help you lose belly fat and achieve and maintain your ideal weight – It’s also going to help you heal your gut, eliminate your nagging symptoms and reduce your overall disease risk.

With the New Year here, its’ the perfect time to reassess your eating and lifestyle habits and give your body the RESET that it needs to eliminate the toxic body fat that’s weighing you down physically, mentally and emotionally.

Here’s what it means to R.E.S.E.T during the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox:

Remove food toxins

Eat only nutrient dense foods

Supplement with detoxification “boosters”

Exercise to stimulate your lymphatic system

Track your detox progress

It’s time to STOP stressing about your weight gain and START reclaiming your health.

Here’s What You Get with the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox:


  • Simple and easy Detox Meal Plans
  • Done-for-you Shopping Lists
  • Dozens of delicious Detoxifying Recipes
  • The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox Success Diary to track your progress
  • Easy-to-follow Action Step Plans
  • 4 Bonus Coaching and Q&A Calls with Melissa (Note: All coaching calls are on Thursdays at 5pm Eastern.  If you can’t come to the live calls, no worries!  They’ll be recorded, so you can watch them at your convenience.  Our first coaching call is Thursday, February 17th.)


Here’s What You’ll Discover with the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox:


  • How to make simple, easy and delicious recipes that help you detoxify, eliminate inflammation and shed body fat naturally.
  • How to prep your meals for the week, so it’s super easy to maintain your clean eating meal plan for the 21 days.
  • Which specific foods to eat and which foods NOT to eat to support the detox process.
  • Simple, quick and easy meal plans that are customizable, so you can personalize your weekly menus.
  • How to make connections between the foods you’re eating and your symptoms.
  • Tasty and nourishing foods to eat to boost your mental clarity, increase your energy and crush your cravings.

We’re going to cover a lot of ground in 21 days and you’re going to come out on the other end fitting better in your clothes, feeling more energized, and thinking more clearly.


Here Are the Bonuses You Get When You Join by Wednesday, May 18th


BONUS #1: 30-Day Post-Detox Meal Plan (Value $39) – I want to help you maintain the healthy eating habits that you’ve put in place during the detox, so I’m giving you a done-for-you 30-day meal plan to show you exactly what to eat as you transition to clean eating after the detox is over.  You’ll never get bored eating the same foods with these quick, easy and delicious whole food recipes that are designed to eliminate inflammation, balance blood sugar and hormones and shed unhealthy body fat.

BONUS #2: Clean Eating Success Guide (Value $39) – In this comprehensive nutrition guide you’ll get all the tools you need to create a simple and sustainable clean-eating meal plan after the detox ends.

You’ll discover:

  • Simple food shopping guidelines to avoid toxic food chemicals.
  • How to prioritize buying organic foods on a budget.
  • How to read food labels the right way. (They can be confusing and deceptive!)
  • Healthy and delicious substitutions for unhealthy “comfort foods.”
  • How to prepare, cook and store your food properly.
  • How to consume coffee and alcohol safely.
  • Tips for eating healthy when you eat out and travel.

BONUS #3: Boost Your Detox Exercise Plan (Value $97) – During the 21-Day Detox, you don’t do any kind of intense exercise. Doing intense exercise requires a lot of your body’s energy and work from your liver, so “working out” during a detox can steal the energy and resources that are needed to help your body remove toxins, reduce inflammation and repair cells. In this bonus video training, I’ll guide you through the most effective, low-impact, low-intensity exercises, that help stimulate your lymphatic system, reduce your stress hormones and boost the detoxification process naturally. These simple exercises can be done right from home in less than 10 minutes a day.

BONUS #4: Heal Your Gut Workshop (Value $297) – The vast majority of health problems are rooted in the gut, including chronic inflammation.  And holistic health experts say that about 80% of the immune system is housed in the gut, so making sure our digestive system is in tip-top shape is key to losing weight and reversing our nagging health issues. The Heal Your Gut Workshop features the top holistic and integrative medicine doctors, where they guide you through a holistic and natural plan to heal your gut in a systematic way to get to the root of your symptoms.

BONUS #5: FREE Membership to Healthy Body Healthy Life (Value $49) – Get access to all Healthy Body Healthy Life nutrition and fitness programs for 30 days.  Plus, get exclusive access to our Members-Only Support Community, where you’ll have the opportunity to get ongoing guidance and support and ask all of your burning health questions 24/7.

BONUS #6: 4 Weekly Coaching and Q&A Calls (Value $199) – This is honestly the best bonus of all!  You get to meet with me and other members for live guidance, feedback and support.  We have an incredible community of encouraging people who are ready to root you on every step of the way! (All calls are recorded, so you can listen in at your convenience.)

So, what’s your investment? You have two options:

Complete 21-Day

Belly Fat Detox Plan

Only $97

Complete 21-Day Detox Plan

Plus 1-on-1 Coaching Session

Only $197

(*Want personalized guidance, feedback and support during the detox? Get a 1-on-1 coaching session with me (Melissa), where I’ll personally help you implement your Detox Success Plan.)

Here’s what a few people have to say about their experience working with me…

“I lost 45 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 6.  The last time I weighed what I weigh now, I was in my 30’s.  I didn’t think I would ever be permanently successful, but I know I’m going to be now.  I have NO DOUBT in my mind the weight is GONE forever. I’m so confident that I gave away all my clothes that no longer fit me – I’d never done that before.  I’m easily maintaining my weight loss – it’s pretty effortless.”

~Durita McMahon

“I’m down 40 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 8.  I’ve never worn this size pants.  I look better, I feel better, I’m sleeping better, and I don’t have hot flashes anymore.  The weight loss is happening as a consequence of getting healthy. It’s not about getting smaller – it’s about truly getting healthier.  I was looking for a lifelong success plan and that’s what I’ve found.”

~Ruthie Prochnow

“I’ve lost over 40 pounds. My old clothes are hanging on me now.  Not only do I look good, I feel good – I have energy, I don’t feel bloated, my aches and pains are gone, the puffiness is gone, I’m getting 6 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep (I was up 3 to 4 times a night before), and I no longer need to push up on a chair to get up. I love this way of life!”

~April Brooks

“I lost 26 pounds.  I’m controlling the inflammation and no longer have pain or the need for prednisone. My SED (inflammation) rate dropped from 23 to 4.  I am SO grateful!”

~Gail Brady

“I lost 15 pounds (without trying!)  My bone density increased from -2.2 to -1.3. I’m off all three of the medications I was taking [with my doctor’s approval], my hair and nails are stronger and shinier, my digestive and skin problems are gone, I have a lot more energy, I no longer have aches and pains.  I feel like a new woman!”

~Jeani Rademacher

“I’m down 10 pounds and I’ve gone from an extra-large to medium-sized shirts.  All around I’ve seen nothing but positive changes. My cholesterol, liver enzymes and blood sugar are ALL back to normal levels. I lowered my cholesterol from 231 to 164. My feet don’t hurt anymore, and my shoes are fitting so much better.”

~Gina Sanchez

“I lost 5% body fat.  And I lowered my blood pressure from 148/92 to 115/75. I feel more energetic, I sleep better, I’m able to keep up with the demands of work.  I feel better in my 50’s than I did in my 40’s!”

~Liz Cryan

“I lost 15 pounds and 2 inches off my waist and hips.  I went from wearing sizes 10 to 12 down to wearing 8’s and 6’s, my acne is MUCH better and I have less body pain.”

~Ashlee Cowles

“I’ve lost 20 pounds and 5 ½ inches off my waist. And I went from a size 12 to a size 8.  I have more energy and motivation. The best thing for me is that I have more exercise tolerance, which really excites me because I like to hike. I recently did an 8-mile hike in the mountains and I did it with ease. I was super excited about that!”

~Laurie Mallea

Meet Melissa Koerner Certified Nutrition and Fitness Coach

(I feel better in my 40’s than I did in my 20’s!)

Over the last 15+ years, through my Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Programs, I’ve helped thousands of people optimize their bodies to eliminate toxins and chronic inflammation, so they can lose their excess weight and reverse other nagging inflammation-related health issues.

But before I started helping people achieve their health goals, I first had to help myself.

16 years ago, I had A LOT of health issues, which I now know were related to toxicity and inflammation.  I was tired all the time, I had chronic digestive issues (I was constipated, gassy and bloated – my doctor at the time diagnosed me with IBS), I had severe acne and dry, itchy skin, I had body odor and a sweating problem, I had daily brain fog (I couldn’t focus at all!), I didn’t sleep well (I was waking 4 to 5 times per night), I had chronic shoulder, hip and back pain, I had insatiable cravings and I felt hungry all the time, I had severe mental/emotional imbalances (I felt moody, irritable, and depressed), I had severe PMS, I got sick very easily with colds, and I was gaining weight. I felt like a mess!

After making some simple healthy changes to my diet and lifestyle, I’ve been able to reverse every. single. one. of these health challenges.  And I feel better now in my 40s than I did in my 20s!

I have a teaching degree from Boston University and seven years of formal teaching experience.  (Fun fact: I did my student teaching in London, England.)  I also hold numerous advanced holistic health, fitness and nutrition certifications.  I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Certified Metabolic Typing Nutrition Advisor and Certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach.

I’ve combined my personal experience overcoming my own health issues with my teaching experience as a classroom teacher and the knowledge I’ve gained from various holistic health certifications to create programs and a community like no other. The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox provides you with a practical nutrition and lifestyle plan and support system that uses a natural and holistic approach to help you clear toxins from your body, eliminate chronic inflammation, and maintain a healthy digestive system, so you can feel more balanced physically, mentally and emotionally and ultimately, be as healthy, happy and vibrant as you can possibly be.

Join the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox! You have two options:

Complete 21-Day

Belly Fat Detox Plan

Only $97

Complete 21-Day Detox Plan

Plus 1-on-1 Coaching Session

Only $197

(*Want personalized guidance, feedback and support during the detox? Get a 1-on-1 coaching session with me (Melissa), where I’ll personally help you implement your Detox Success Plan.)